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Hi! Welcome to…

Naman’s Blog.

I’m Naman Vrati, a tech enthusiast from Rajasthan, India. I love to develop websites, applications, back-ends and especially discord apps. I also play video games such as Counter Strike (1.6) and Minecraft occasionally.

About Me

What do I do?

I love to code. I love to play chess. I love to play piano, maybe I’m born musician (who knows?). But I have spent hours to up-skill myself to develop musical talent and I have relatively good pitch knowledge (perfect pitch).


I have really good experience in cloud management, I have managed several personal servers and I used to sell game servers too.


Talk about discord! Created many awesome applications, most popular of them being Nyaru (1.5M+ Userbase) and DiscordBot-Template (200+ Stars).


I have completed training and certification for AI & ML (chatbots) from IIT Delhi (2020) and IIT Bombay (2019, Finalist on Tech Event, IIT Bombay).


I have opted to study for blockchain technology (2023) to explore potential future improvements in various fields with decentralized management.

I Founded Nyaru, 2020.

Always wanted to get started learning JavaScript by making a discord application, I got massive support from my community when I launched Nyaru publicly, making it today gross over


daily users


With over 4000+ active servers across discord using our multipurpose assistant Nyaru, with over 80% retention and we’re sure it is helpful for everyone, we empower all “needed”, “helpful” and “basic” features for all server owners – all in one single application, for free*.

Started Adventuring with Designing!

Trying to put my creative skills to test, I have started to explore designing since 2023. I have been creating various GFX designs, experimenting with various fonts and colors to make the best mix of art for display. I admit, it is being useful for creating best websites and communities!

What else do I do?

My coding interests are very broad and never ending. To not bore you out of your mind, here’s some of my hobbies that I pursue from my heart, and spend my free time on!

I love playing chess on Lichess, my favorite and only truly free, open-source chess platform!

@namanvrati – Lichess

I love playing piano, I occasionally post my covers on YouTube, feel free to check out!

@NamanVrati – YouTube

I love to dedicate time on outdoor activities to boost up my physical performance.

Badminton being the favorite!

Why Did I Made This?

I have always dreamed to make a personal website & blog, who doesn’t want that? I just love to post my ideas and tutorials on various things I love to do – in the process I keep my archive of my history!